Man arrested by Manchester police as Man Utd suspend Greenwood

Police arrested a man in his 20s on suspicion of rape and assault on Sunday after Manchester United suspended forward Mason Greenwood following allegations made on social media.

Greater Manchester Police (GMP) said it had been made aware “of online social media images and videos posted by a woman reporting incidents of physical violence”.

The GMP statement said: “An investigation was launched and following enquiries we can confirm a man in his 20s has since been arrested on suspicion of rape and assault.

“He remains in custody for questioning. Enquiries are ongoing.”

United said earlier in the day that 20-year-old England forward Greenwood “will not return to training or play matches until further notice”.

Before announcing that decision, the club said they were “aware of images and allegations circulating” in relation to the player, stating they do “not condone violence of any kind”.

Greenwood signed a first professional contract with United in October 2018 and agreed a new four-year deal last year, after establishing himself in the Premier League club’s first-team squad.

Greenwood has not made a public response to the allegations.