Svitolina and Monfils welcome baby girl

Elina Svitolina gave birth to her and husband Gael Monfils’ first child on Saturday.

The couple, who married in July 2021, have announced the arrival of daughter Skai Monfils.

Former world number three Svitolina and two-time grand slam semi-finalist Monfils announced last May they were expecting a baby girl.

Svitolina posted on Instagram on Saturday: “Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to Skai Monfils.

“Can’t thank enough my husband to live [through] this unforgettable moment with me.”

Monfils wrote on social media: “I had the most amazing night of my life, which ended with the most beautiful gift around 6.00am.

“Elina was strong and brave. I can’t [thank] enough my wife and God for this special moment. Welcome to the world my little princess Skai.”